The National University in association with George Washington University

The National University in association with George Washington University

The patronage of the President of the National University for Science and Technology, Prof. Dr. Abdul-Razzaq Laibi Al-Rubaie.

The Center for Continuing Education at the National University holds an electronic workshop entitled
“Understanding unconscious bias and preventing micro-aggressions”
Which will be presented by Prof. Dr. Timothy Kane from George Washington University, USA, on Thursday, March 25/2021, under the supervision of the Director of the Center for Continuing Education

M. Ahmad Muhammad Hashem at eight in the evening, and on the Zoom platform

Second workshop
Electronic workshop entitled

“How to engage students in online learning”
Which will be presented by Professor Kenneth Holland from Washington University in the US and under the supervision of the Director of the Center for Continuing Education M. Ahmed Muhammad Hashem, on Saturday 3/27/2021 at six in the evening, on the Zoom platform


The National University in association with George Washington University