Scientific Assistant

The biography
Assistant to the University President for Scientific Affairs
Falah Hassan Hanoun Al-Asadi
Name: Falah Hassan Hanoun Al-Asadi
Born: 1974 Dhi Qar Address: Department of Physics - Dhi Qar University - College of Science - Iraq
Certificates: Bachelor’s degree in solar energy from the Department of Physics, College of Education, University of Basra in 1995. Master’s degree in Laser Physics from the Department of Physics, College of Education, University of Basra in 1998. Doctorate degree in theoretical solid state physics from the Department of Physics, College of Education, University of Basra in 2008.
Scientific titles: Assistant teacher title in 2000
Title of teacher in 2008 Title of assistant professor in 2012 Title of professor in 2016 University service 24 years.
The tasks you were assigned...
Rapporteur of the Physics Department in 2000-2003, my first appointment * Head of the Physics Department in 2003-2006 * Head of the Physics Department and Computer Department in 2009-2014 * Head of the Computer Engineering Department 2009-2011
Member of the Iraqi Nano Society, Baghdad. Published research, more than 25 research papers, with details attached
She supervised 9 master’s students and 5 doctoral students
Subjects you studied for your bachelor's degree
....1. Quantum mechanics 2. Solid state physics 3. Laser
- Electromagnetism 6 Numerical analysis 7 Differential equations 8. Electricity and magnetism
*Advanced quantum physics. 10. Advanced solid state physics
Master’s degree in Solid State Physics
For Ph.D., quantum mechanics
Quantitative approximations
I participated in many postgraduate student discussions...PhD and Masters
Participation in many conferences and workshops inside and outside Iraq about nanotechnology
X-ray examination devices and electron microscopy.