Rank 18 of Iraq university in green metric

Rank 18 of Iraq university in green metric

new achievement 

The National University of Science and Technology ranked 18 out of 69 universities at the level of Iraq in the greenmetric ranking 


Green University Ranking is an initiative of the University of Indonesia to rank global universities and was launched in 2010, as part of its strategy to raise its international profile, the university hosted the International Conference on University Rankings on April 16, 2009. The Green Metric global ranking ranks universities in terms of the sustainability of their operations And the extent of their commitment to clean environment standards.. Green leaves universities according to several criteria related to the environment and sustainability within the campus in terms of infrastructure, efficiency in energy use, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, the extent of application of the principles of integrated management of solid and liquid waste, means of transportation, and the level of the educational process.

Standards that are generally considered to be of importance by universities concerned with sustainability. These include gathering basic information on the size and divisional profile of the university, whether urban, suburban or rural. Beyond that we would like to see the degree of greenery. The next category of information relates to electricity consumption as it relates to our carbon footprint. Then we would like to know about transportation, water use, waste management, preparation and infrastructure, energy and climate change, education and research. In addition to these indicators, we would like to get a picture of how the university is responding or dealing with sustainability issues through policies, procedures, and communication. Standards are

Rank 18 of Iraq university in green metric