A joint scientific and cultural understanding agreement between the National University and the Iraqi University

A joint scientific and cultural understanding agreement between the National University and the Iraqi University

Within the approach of openness and communication with Iraqi, Arab and international universities, the President of the National University of Science and Technology, Prof. Dr. Abdul Razzaq Laibi Al-Rubaie, signed a joint scientific and cultural understanding agreement with the President of the Iraqi University, Prof. Ali Saleh Hussein Al-Jubouri, to advance the scientific reality of both universities. The agreement dealt with the possibility of exchanging scientific experiences through the exchange of professors to conduct research, scientific meetings, giving lectures, discussing theses and theses, as well as supporting scientific projects and training programs. The agreement confirmed the strengthening of cooperation in the field of authoring and publishing joint scientific research in reputable journals within the international scientific reservoirs, in addition to attending conferences, seminars, workshops, scientific and cultural competitions, participating in celebrations and scientific events held by the two universities, as well as cooperating in the development of curricula in the corresponding departments to benefit from the devices The agreement also included strengthening language teaching programs and cooperation in the field of writing books and scientific articles, exchanging publications, scientific references, knowledge and media materials, in a way that contributes to achieving academic goals, in addition to supporting visits by faculty members and student visits in scientific fields and joint cultural activities.

A joint scientific and cultural understanding agreement between the National University and the Iraqi University